Could i use rem and em in avocode
Could i use rem and em in avocode

could i use rem and em in avocode
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Static Analysis (ESLint, Flow, StyleLint.).Minifier / Compressor / Optimizer (Prepack, Babili / Uglify, imagemin, cssnano / clean-css.).Loader / Builder / Bundler (Webpack, Rollup.).Compiler / Transpiler / Preprocessor (Babel, PostCSS.).JS, API, CLI, CSS / Style Guide, Writing.Analysis (Code Coverage, Node.js Security.).Server-side Testing (Functional Testing, Load Testing).Web Testing (Integration Testing, Functional/E2E Testing, Visual testing, Monkey Testing, Headless Browsers).Unit Testing / Test Runner, Test Doubles.The evil twins inside the Great Firewall of China.AIaaS / BDaaS (Natural Language, Computer Vision.).BaaS (CRUD, Auth, Search, Email, SMS.).Compute (FaaS / Serverless / WebHook, PaaS, CaaS).Configuration, Debugging, Protocols, Network, Crypto, Auth, Storage, Jobs, Scraping, Images, Parsing / Generating, NLP.Frameworks (RESTful API, Microservices, Serverless, Bots.), GraphQL, DocGen + CodeGen.Authentication / Authorization, Security, Logging / Monitoring, DevOps.Cloud / Distributed, Web Hosting / Non-distributed.Restful API, SaaS, Microservices (API Gateway, Serverless).HTTP (Intro, Same-origin policy, Performance, HTTPS, HTTP/2, gRPC.).2D (Canvas, SVG, Physics.), 3D (WebGL, Physics.).Animation (Effects, Loading, Scrolling, Parallax, Transition, Timeline, Motion / Curved Path.).Drag & Drop, Gesture, Scrolling, Zoom, Tooltip, Tour.Layout, Icon, Button, Form, Overlay, Picker, Content, Editor.GUI Architectures (MVC, MVP, PM, MVVM, Flux, Redux, Elm, MVI, SAM.).View / ViewModel / ViewController (React).Parsing / Manipulating (URL, Validator, i18n, Date, Numbers, Color, Text, Buffer / Blob.).Standard Library Extensions (FP, OOP, Async.).Convention (Open Source, SemVer, package.json, Small modules, Isomorphic JS / Universal JS.).Dependency Management / Release / Maintenance (npm, yarn, lerna, ncp.).Appearance, Interaction, Access, Network, Performance, Offline, Media.JS Engine (V8, JSC, Chakra), Web/JS Runtime (Electron, Cordova, React Native.), Device.Proposal Status (W3C WG, WICG, WHATWG, ECMA TC39, Node.js CTC).Platform Status / Releases / Updates, ECMAScript Compatibility.Platform Compatibility and Proposal Status.

#Could i use rem and em in avocode code

ES6+ Features, Intro to ES6+, Re-intro to JS, Important Proposals, Functional Programming, FRP, Static Typing, Code Style.Know More about Web Design / UI Design / UX Design (RWD, Atomic Design, Motion Design, Grid System, Typography, Style Guide.).Best Practices (Skeleton, Methodology, Code Style.).RWD, Layout, Typography, Text, Animation, Effects.HTML/DOM, Appearance, Interaction, Access, Network, Media, Graphics, Computing.Performance, Security, Semantics / SEO / Accessibility.Why not add a Europe (or other regions) section? Why not add your project? Why so many React-based projects? Why not Angular/Vue.js/XXX?.

#Could i use rem and em in avocode free

  • Feel free to submit the missing or better links in your opinion.
  • It currently contains 2000+ links (projects, tools, plugins, services, articles, books, sites, etc.).
  • I wish this document could be closer to a kind of knowledge graph or skill tree than a list or a collection.
  • The ", " symbol between the links means they are complementary. The " / " symbol between the links means they are replaceable.
  • Ideally, each line is a unique category.
  • Prefer fine-grained classifications and deep hierarchies over featureless descriptions and distractive comments.
  • #Could i use rem and em in avocode download

  • The npm package statistics (like download count) are given more weight than Github repo statistics (like starring data) because npm statistics can better reflect the actual usage and popularity.
  • Which link belongs to "not outdated and most commonly used stuff" is not only decided by clear trends, empirical observation, and working experience, also by public data and web scraping scripts.
  • So for each problem domain and each technology, I try my best to pick only one or a few links.
  • So this document must stay lean and focus on the most frequent problems and the most commonly used stuff. Simply collecting more stuff or composing dozens of "awesome lists" into a single one will only exacerbate the Javascript Fatigue.
  • The JS/web technology is like an ocean of stuff you don’t know.
  • I hope this document can help one developer to have more power to do much more and much better, just like a spellbook does in fantasy worlds.
  • What I'm doing in this document now is trying to provide the complete view angle of modern web (app or page) development ruled by JavaScript, reflect technological advance and help developers to acquire APIs, libraries, tools, services, best practices and learning resource which are not outdated and most commonly used.
  • This document originated from a bunch of most commonly used links and learning resources I sent to every new web developer on our full-stack web development team.

  • Could i use rem and em in avocode